With Apex mobile stages we can provide a rapid-deployment, all-in-one solution creating a customized infrastructure to suit your needs, along with spotlight towers, video structures, mobile front-of-house, sound wings, work-wing canopy systems and barricade, everything you need to you need to have a successful show.
APEX 5040 GEN1
Hydraulic Stage GEN1 APEX 5040
( Stamped and Engineered )
Roof Capacity of 58,000LBS
Trim Height 20-35FT from deck hight
50' X 38' Deck Space
(2) Stair Units
Stage Guardrail
Stage Skirting
Stage Header Banner Kit
Blow Thru or Solid Wind walls. (For all upstage sides)
APEX 4240
Hydraulic Stage GEN1 APEX 4240
( Stamped and Engineered )
Roof Capacity of 58,000LBS
Trim Height 27.5FT from stage hight
40' x 40' Deck Space
(2) Stair Units
Stage Guardrail
Stage Skirting
Stage Header Banner Kit
Blow Thru or Solid Wind walls. (For all upstage sides)
APEX 5040 GEN3
Hydraulic Stage GEN3 APEX 5040
(Stamped and Engineered )
Roof Capacity of 102,000LBS
Trim Height 30FT from deck
50' x 38' Deck Space
(2) 25’ Video Fly Bays Extensions for SR/SL
(2) DS Audio Fly Rig Extensions for SR/SL
(2) Stair Units
Stage Guardrail
Stage Skirting
Stage Header Banner Kit
Blow Thru or Solid Wind walls. (For all upstage sides)
APEX 3224
Hydraulic Mobile Unit APEX 3224 (32x24 deck)
( Stamped and Engineered )
Roof Capacity of 8,000LBS
Trim Height 18FT from deck hight
(2) Stair Units
Stage Guardrail
Stage Skirting
Stage Header Banner Kit
Blow Thru or Solid Wind walls. (For all upstage sides)